Adsense Affiliate School
Are you ready to work at home?
Are you ready to learn how to make money on the Internet?
Make Money with Google Adsense. Make Money with Affiliates. Make Money with your Computer.
On this site you will learn everything you need to know to make money on the Internet using Google Adsense and Affiliate programs. Every day thousands of people world wide are making hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars each and every month with Adsense and Affiliate Programs.
This site will take you step by step through the basics. Articles by experts who are making real money with Adsense or affiliates will also be included. This is not a get rich quick scheme. But many have made and are making huge sums of money every month with their home computers. I will be glad to teach you what I have learned. I am learning more everyday and I will be adding it here.
If you are in a hurry, there are numerous excellent eBooks for sale on this site with much information about making money with Adsense, Affiliates and Web sites. If you want a head start, buy the books.
Otherwise, let your education begin here. There is a lot to learn and do before you start making money.
The Basics of a Google Adsense or Affiliate Program Empire:
Website - To begin making money with Google Adsense and Affiliate programs, you will need at least one web site. Those making exceptional money with Google Adsense have many different content based web sites. Remember, you will need to build at least one web site before requesting an Adsense account from Google. Google must be satisfied that you have built a quality site with good content or they may not let you have an account. It used to be very expensive and time consuming to build a web site. It is still relatively expensive to pay someone to build a web site for you. Most people making money with Adsense build their own web sites. Popular web site building software includes FrontPage and Dreamweaver. I found that building web sites with Front Page took a long time to learn and was very time consuming. If you already spent the time to learn Front Page and you like using it, by all means, keep using it. But, if you want to get into building multiple Adsense websites, you can't beat a software program called XSitePro. XSitePro was designed to build Adsense and Affiliate program web sites rapidly. XSitePro has so many advantages for the Adsense entrepeneur that we consider it a waste of your time to consider using any other software to build websites. The cost of the Xsitepro software is less than what it would cost you have have someone build a single web page for you. This site was built using XSitePro.
Click here to view the "7 Reasons Why You Need XSitePro Now!" video.
Domain - In additon to a web site, you will need a web domain. A domain is the name of your site or the address for you web site on the Internet. This is also known as a URL. As an example, the web domain for the site this site is . Many hosting companies such as Bluehost.Com include a free domain name with hosting.
Hosting - Once you have a domain and a web site, you will need to host your web site with with a hosting service. We like Bluehost.Com. We host several of our websites with them. It is fast and easy to set up a hosting account with Bluehost.Com. You can host up to 6 domains on one account and the monthly fee for hosting is only $6.95 per month with the two year package.
Google Adsense Account - Google Adsense is an example of a "win-win situation." People come to your site to read your content and some of them click on the adsense ads on your site. You win because you get paid anywhere from a couple of cents to as much a dollar or more everytime someone clicks through. And Google wins because they get paid by the advertiser. Google will require you to set up an account with them. If you do not have one, this is quick, easy and free to set up. A Google account will let you apply for dozens of different services provided by Google. Just having a Google account does not automatically get you a Google Adsense account. Once you have a web site up and running, you can apply for a Google Adsense account. You do not have to apply again for additional web sites that you build. You use the original Google Adsense account for all your sites once you have been approved for your first site.
Sign Up for Google Adsense Account
Affiliate Programs - An Affiliate Program is an example of a "win-win-win situation." XsitePro, Bluehost and Spyware Doctor on this page are actual examples of Affiliate Programs. The vistor to your site who buys one of the products advertised on your site wins because they have found what they were looking for. The affiliate wins because it makes a sale and presumably a profit. And you win because you get a commission from the affiliate ranging anywhere from 5 percent to 40 percent of the sales price of the product sold.