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Stop Firefox From Updating

If you are like me, you hate anything that slows your computer down while your working on it.  One of the worst culprits is the Firefox automatic update.  It seems like Firefox updates every day and does not care what you are working on when it does it.  Firefox hid the the off switch pretty good.  Seems like they don't want you to turn off the automatic updates.  Follow these very simple instructions to stop Firefox from updating without your permission in the future.  Firefox will have to ask your permission in the future to update.

How to Stop Firefox from Automatically Installing Updates :

1. In Firefox, click Tools.

2. In Tools, click Options.

3. In Options, click Advanced.

4. In Advanced, click Update.

5. Under Update, click "Ask me what I want to do".

6. Click OK.

That's it!  If you ever want to change Firefox back to automatic updates, just do steps 1-4 and under Updates, click "Automatically download and install update" instead.

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Also searched as: Disable automatic Firefox updates