How to Remove Oil Stains
Concrete and Cement
My old Ford truck which we are in the process of restoring began to leak and left oil stains on the concrete floor of our
garage. The oil stain was really ugly. My mother-in-law suggested that I use kitty litter to remove oil stains from
It sounded just too simple to use cat litter to remove oil stains from a cement floor. The next time I was at the
store, I found out that cat litter was only about $3.95 for a twenty-five pound bag. I bought Sani-Sorb Cat Litter. After all, kitty
litter is just dry clay. It was so cheap, I figured it could not hurt to try.
I was blown away by the results. I covered the stain with plenty of kitty litter and crushed the litter into the stain with my
shoe to break the cat litter into smaller pieces to get good contact witht the stain. I let it sit overnight. The next day I swept up the
cat litter and to my amzement the oil stains were all gone. If you had not known the oil stain had been there, you could not
How to Remove Oil Stains from Cement or Concrete:
1. Get a bag of cat litter from the store. Get the litter that is just clay. dont get any fancy odor
absorbing variety. Get the old fashioned clay variety. It is so cheap for the results you will get.
2. Put a bunch of the kitty litter on the oil stain on the concrete or cement.
3. Crush the litter up a bit with your shoe to increase the contact of the litter with the stain on
the floor. (Don't worry if there is a bunch of wet oil on the floor. Just throw plenty of the kitty litter right on top of
the wet stuff too.)
4. Let the kitty litter set over night. Somehow the clay aborbs and leaches the oil stain out of the
top layer of the cement. Sweep the cat litter off the concrete and throw the litter away. Its just that simple, just that easy and just
that cheap.
Note: As I found out later this method also works magnificently at removing power steering fluid stains from
concrete and cement as well.
Oh, and kitty litter I bought (Sani-Sorb) is all natural. The bag of cat litter I bought says it is "absolutely
harmless to persons, animals, fabrics or metals."The only ingredient is granular, calcined, fuller's earth (a type of calcified
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